Telkom president director Rinaldi Firmansyah said that currently the fundamental changes happening around us, ranging from changes in business environment (competition and regulation) as well as changes in technology and lifestyle.
In support of Telkom's transformation has established 10 Strategic Initiative, which refers to the legacy defense strategy and grow the new wave and the strategic objectives of achieving 60% of industry revenue in 2014.
Associated with Telkom's transformation is a fundamental change from the brand to enhance company's image in the eyes of all stakeholders and establish a business portfolio changes, positioning, values, tagline and corporate identity. With the new corporate identity Telkom apply culture that the new commitment, spirit, promise, product and service quality, and service culture altogether new.
Telkom also brought
- New positioning: Life Confident.
- 5 new values: Expertise, Empowering, Assured, Progressive & Heart
- New tagline: The World is in Your Hand (will replace "Committed 2U")
- New corporate identity (logo).
Transformation followed by a change in corporate identity in 2009 Telkom is a transformation of phase III. In the transformation phase I, led by Managing Director of Telkom Cacuk Sudarijanto (1988-1992) and Setyanto P Santosa (1992-1997). Under Cacuk Sudarijanto, Telkom did Fundamental Change: Basic Transformation and Culture under the leadership of Telkom Setyanto go public and listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX), Surabaya Stock Exchange (BES), the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and London Stock Exchange ( LSX), 12 Regional Telecommunications restructuring (Witel) became only the 7th Division Regional (Divre) and finished joint operation (KSO) in 5 Divre.
Transformation phase II occurred under the leadership of Kristiono (2002-2005) and Rinaldi Firmansyah. In 2002 Telkom into a new business environment is competitive. So that the transformation at that time directed the company's Asset-based Company to be Customer Centric Company and transformed from a telecommunications company to company Infocom.
Under the leadership of CEO, Rinaldi Firmansyah, in the midst of a highly competitive conditions, changing from a company Telkom InfoComm became TIME Company, with a new wave of business growth on the one hand, while still optimize / maintain the traditional business is still based on legacy mangalirkan positive cash flow on the other side.

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