Telkom again become the provider of telecommunication facilities (Fastel) for the 2009 elections through open tender after the General Elections Commission. As the winner, Telkom must provide the bandwidth, installation, integration, facilities Disaster Recovery Center (DRC), Call Center Services and Network Maintenance services.
In KPU Office Center, Telkom provides back haul Data Center capacity IP-VPN 30 Mbps over Fiber Optic (FOR); Link DRC-Data Center, Metro E capacity of 10 Mbps over FOR; Service Call Center special Election 0800-1-PEMILU; Provision infrastructure and access to Call Center, Network and Application Monitoring.
While at the Office KPU Kota / Kabupaten, the Connectivity Telom End Point VPN-IP wireless (DSLAM & TDM) based or VSAT. Telkom will place a technician in each location KPU office on duty to handle connectivity problems that might occur.
For the DRC is in the German Center, Bumi Serpong Damai, Serpong, Telkom services include IP-VPN over 30 Mbps FOR; Server Collocation; Provision unit server, router, firewall and application mirroring; setup connectivity between the DRC and haul back to the end point 504 locations KPU Kota / Kabupaten.

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