Telkom Internet tariff down 20%

The presence of seven new package Multy Speedy Speed, the average tariff Speedy internet down almost 20 percent. For the family package with speeds up to 384 kbps offered the price of Rp 195 thousand, and can be used without limit.

While the capacity for bandwidth, Telkom has as much of the previous 13 Gbps, while this increases to 17 Gbps. And in the upcoming July Telkom will get as much as 40 Gbps of Telkom's membership in a consortium of Asia-America Gateway (AAG.

AAG is a consortium of marine cable 19 companies from 17 countries in the Asia-Pacific and the U.S. including the PT Telkom and PT Indosat as the representative of Indonesia.
Buku: AI-Powered Strategic Management


  1. tapi tarif ini hanya berlaku di jabotabek mas untuk sementara waktu :((

  2. Iya Mas Bayu, tapi direncanakan kalau tidak ada aral melintang, akan launching di Jawa Timur termasuk di kota Mas Bayu (Madiun) pada tanggal 1 Mei 2009, semoga....


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