Only start to pay Rp 1500, - the XL prepaid customers will get 500 SMS to all operators. Promo is valid nationwide since August 15 to 15 October 2009.
For information, tariffs, 500 SMS consists of 4 (four) package, the package is Rp 1500, - (get the SMS with 500 days validity period 00.00 - 17.00), Rp 2000, - (get 500 SMS to the validity period of one day), Rp 3.000, - (get 500 SMS to the expiration 2 days) and the package Rp.5.000, - (get 500 SMS with 7 days validity).
To get the promo rate SMS that this special, subscribers simply press * 500 # OK / YES and then select the SMS Package. Promo is valid for all XL Prepaid customers, both new and old.
SMS service package cheap gay network is supported by the XL strengthened at this time with more than 18,128 BTS 2G and 3G (data per end of June 2009), as well as fiber-optic network that extends throughout the island and is connected via network cable to the bottom of the sea island of Sumatra , Batam, Kalimantan and Sulawesi.
In addition, the XL also specifically increase the SMS capacity up to 30,000 SMS / second. It is expected that the infrastructure is owned by the XL will be able to bring the communication quality for XL customers in all corners of Indonesia.

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