Facebook Has 65 Million Mobile Users

Facebook MobileFacebook says more than 65 million people are actively using social networks, from their mobile phone. In the early years of the new Facebook mobile users reached 20 million.

Sites that experienced high growth after giving emphasis on the application. Facebook app has become a frequently downloaded programs like Apple's App Store for iPhone and Research In Motion World App for BlackBerry smartphones.

Social networking is also working with mobile vendors to include a preloaded applications. Recently, in cooperation with Nokia, Facebook provides lifecasting mini app for the N97. This program allows the user to enter their location in the update status.
Buku: AI-Powered Strategic Management


  1. salam ukhwah, saya udah follow blog kamu.sudikan follow blog saya

  2. Assw, Ibu saya sudah follow blog-nya. Terima kasih banyak

  3. Apa yang dimaksud dengan "gegaran", saya kurang ngerti maksudnya :-) tmks


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