iPhone Beats Windows Mobile

iPhoneiPhone overtakes the market share of Windows Mobile operating system for the first time in history. While RIM BlackBerry remains unshakable superior in the operating system market share in U.S. smart phone.

According to the comScore study, Apple's iPhone beating Microsoft's Windows Mobile in market share of smart phone operating system in the United States for the first time.

In February, 5.2 million comScore surveyed respondents using Apple's iPhone, while 6.8 million reported using a phone that uses Microsoft Windows Mobile.

In May, Apple's sales figures reached 5.7 million, 6.6, million in July and finally the highest 8.9 million units in October. In comparison, Microsoft rose to 7 million in May, fell to number 6.6 million in July and returned to number 7.1 million units in October.

Score the highest market share of smart phone operating system in America is Research In Motion BlackBerry. Reach 9.6 million units in February, 12.2 million in May, 13 million in July and reached 14.9 million in October.

Which is also interesting to uncover the Palm sales in the range of 2.3 million to 2.8 million in 2009. Google's Android operating system rose to number 1 million in October.
