4G Technology: WiMAX vs LTE

WiMAX vs LTEAccording to In-Stat report titled "The Road to LTE: WiMax Is Really the Enemy", Long Term Evolution (LTE) mobile broadband is a standard that future generations will be selected as the next leap in wireless technology.

In a report that includes the world market for 4G wireless technologies, stated that although WiMax could emerge as a competitor of 4G, it seems the competition would soon be over.

However, In-Stat said, the implementation of LTE will be hampered by the success of 3G and HSPA networks and HSPA +. The reason, first wireless operators to compensate for the investment they have planted on their infrastructure.

"We have a number of LTE still unresolved issues," said Allen Nogee, In-Stat analyst. "One of them is the problem of spectrum, signal-to-noise ratio, and issues surrounding patents and royalties. Transition to 4G LTE will ensure a gradual or prolonged, "he said.

In research conducted by In-Stat found that the effective implementation of LTE will begin in this 2010. North America and Asia Pacific region will be first to install such technology.

Although the LTE standard is expected to be selected to be 4G, Mobile WiMax is more mature in its application and has its own market. Even in the next 2013 years, Mobile WiMax is expected to have a number of global subscribers 5 times more than the number of subscribers LTE.

In-Stat said, dongle, network cards and USB devices will be the first LTE equipment will be sold. The new LTE mobile handsets would be sold in large quantities in the second half of 2012.
