Google getting more serious penetrated into the world of digital books (ebooks), one with the hook eBook Technologies Inc..
The world's largest Internet company had just acquired eBook Technologies Inc., a company that provides hardware and content distribution for electronic readers.
Although the news was announced, Google declined to give financial details. While eBooks confirmed the news through their site.
Tech eBooks Party says if it has a fairly complete platform, including electronic reading device, a regular online bookshelves filled by the user's personal content, content sales and Internet-based Conductor systems, and content conversion and publishing tool.
Google itself has a digital bookstore titled eBookstore which can be visited through address. Here there are hundreds to thousands of books from leading publishers such as Macmillan, Random hous, and Simon & Schuster.
All of these new books can be downloaded to users in the U.S. alone. But Google promises eBookstore next year will expand to the whole world.
Google's own e-books can only be read online through any device, whether a computer connected to the internet or via the free application in the gadget kind of iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, or Android-based smartphone software.
Google sure if most people would rather read the book online from any gadget that makes them quite comfortable, as well as convenience when checking email via your Gmail account.
The world's largest Internet company had just acquired eBook Technologies Inc., a company that provides hardware and content distribution for electronic readers.
Although the news was announced, Google declined to give financial details. While eBooks confirmed the news through their site.
Tech eBooks Party says if it has a fairly complete platform, including electronic reading device, a regular online bookshelves filled by the user's personal content, content sales and Internet-based Conductor systems, and content conversion and publishing tool.
Google itself has a digital bookstore titled eBookstore which can be visited through address. Here there are hundreds to thousands of books from leading publishers such as Macmillan, Random hous, and Simon & Schuster.
All of these new books can be downloaded to users in the U.S. alone. But Google promises eBookstore next year will expand to the whole world.
Google's own e-books can only be read online through any device, whether a computer connected to the internet or via the free application in the gadget kind of iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, or Android-based smartphone software.
Google sure if most people would rather read the book online from any gadget that makes them quite comfortable, as well as convenience when checking email via your Gmail account.