Google men-simplifikasi penawaran produk-produk di bisnis advertising-nya, dengan melakukan penamaan baru (rebranding) dan melakukan pengaturan (reorganising) serta memberikan solusi baru untuk menyederhanakan penawaran ke publisher maupun advertiser.
Ada 3 kategori produk yang ditawarkan dengan brand baru:
- Google AdWords menjadi Google Ads.
- DoubleClick advertiser products dan Google Analytics 360 Suite berada di bawah nama Google Marketing Platform.
- DoubleClick for Publishers and DoubleClick Ad Exchange menjadi satu platform yang disebut Google Ad Manager.
Berikut overview penjelasan secara singkat seperti yang terdapat pada postingan di blog Google :
Google AdsThe new Google Ads brand represents the full range of advertising capabilities on and across Google other properties, partner sites and apps—to help marketers connect with the billions of people finding answers on Search, watching videos on YouTube, exploring new places on Google Maps, discovering apps on Google Play, browsing content across the web, and more.
Google Marketing Platform
Google Marketing Platform helps marketers achieve their goals by building on existing integrations between the Google Analytics 360 Suite and DoubleClick Digital Marketing. The platform helps marketers plan, buy, measure and optimize digital media and customer experiences in one place.
As part of Google Marketing Platform, Display & Video 360 brings together features from DoubleClick Bid Manager, Campaign Manager, Studio and Audience Center to allow creative, agency, and media teams to collaborate and execute ad campaigns end-to-end in a single place.
Google Ad Manager
With people accessing content on multiple screens, and with advertisers’ growing demand for programmatic access, publishers need to be able to manage their businesses more simply and efficiently. Google to bring together DoubleClick for Publishers and DoubleClick Ad Exchange in a complete and unified programmatic platform under a new name – Google Ad Manager.

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