Indonesia merupakan negara dengan pertumbuhan internet economy terbesar di South East Asia, dengan CAGR 49% dan telah melahirkan 5 Unicorns dari Startup, yaitu Gojek, Tokopedia, Traveloka, Bukalapak dan OVO. Jumlah Startup di Indonesia nomor 5 di dunia yaitu sebanyak 2.074.
Namun sayangnya, kinerja Startup yang bagus hanya 5%, dengan kata lain tingkat kegagalan atau failed rate 95% (lebih tinggi dibandingkan average dunia 90%). Bila failed rate tersebut dapat ditekan tentunya akan berdampak besar terhadap ekonomi di Indonesia.
Berdasarkan artikel yang ditulis oleh Anastasia Z dangan judul "How to Prevent Mistakes That Kill Startups: Real Examples with Useful Tips" dijelaskan 5 penyebab utama gagalnya bisnis Startup yaitu:
- Good idea, bad business.
- Lack of market interest.
- Premature scaling.
- Challenges with development team.
- Poor Monetisation.
Disampaikan juga cara untuk menghindari kesalahan dalam menjalankan bisnis Startup Digital,
- Build a product that solves people's problem.
- Don't add "nice to have" features at an early stage.
- Don't invest in scalability before you make sure the product fits the market.
- Hire people only when you actually need them.
- Hire doers instead of managers like VPs and product managers
- Have a CTO to run the tech side of the business.
- Don't spend too much on customer acquisition before product/market fit and a repeatable scalable business model.
Business Model
- Think through your business plan to better understand how to run the business and operate effectively.
- Consider strategies to attract and win customers.
- Adapt your business model to the changing market.
Bila Founder dan Co-Founder Startup fokus dan konsisten pada product, team, customer dan business model seperti di atas, saya optimis akan dapat menekan angka failed rate.
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