
Resiko Bisnis Peer to Peer P2P Lending bagi Lender dan Cara Mitigasi Resikonya

Inilah 8 Unicorn Fintech Indonesia

Meraih Gelar Doktor dengan Predikat Cum Laude dari Universitas Brawijaya

The Importance of Business Model Innovation for a Company

Technology is the vehicle, and a digital mindset is the fuel

Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) Implementation Strategy in PT Telkom Indonesia

This is Apple's strategy to make the iPhone 15 successful

The Performance and Strategy of GoTo in The Financial Technology Portfolio

3 Types of Innovation based on Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen

Disruptive strategy to disrupt existing markets by introducing new innovations or business models

The Stages of Startup Funding and Risk Mitigation

Finance for Executive - The key points of financial analysis

Pengaruh Positif Digital Leadership pada Keunggulan Bisnis

Business Model dari Layanan Fixed Broadband

Ada apa dengan Microsoft dan Google melakukan PHK Besar-besaran?

Strategi Microsoft untuk Mengalahkan Google Search

Inilah Penyebab Amazon PHK 18 ribu Karyawan

What is Digital Transformation and how to work towards it?

Digital platforms: business model and key aspect

The Impact of Business Model Innovation to Firm Performance